
the highest quality at the lowest prices

SAVE 60% off Retail Prices on commercial grade carpet tiles

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Need Installation?

If you would like your new carpet or vinyl tiles professionally installed click here for an online quotation!!

Online Ordering

Now available for all our products. Simply navigate to the required product page, carpet tiles, exhibition carpet tiles, portable dance floor and flooring or any of our product range, choose a style and select ORDER NOW!


Grab a Bargain!

CLEARANCE LINES - Brand new carpet tiles on clearance from $13 to $22 per square metre.

Need advice? Call 6am-9pm

Visit our Warehouse
3-9 Cook Road, Marrickville NSW 2204
Open Mon - Sat  7am to 5pm
Open Sunday 11am till 2pm Vince - 0414 266 267


Who we are video

You will not find
Cheaper Carpet Tiles of this Quality anywhere else in Australia.

Visit Our Warehouse
or order a sample to see for yourself.

There are many Good Reasons to select Carpet Tiles 1 as your first choice for quality floor covering.

1. You are buying direct from the Importer

Passing the savings on to you! We import Carpet Tiles and sell direct to the public. You will pay 60% less than normal retail prices.

2. Make an informed choice

Take a look at our Information Page to find out more about the versatility and advantages when choosing Carpet Tiles.

3. DIY or expert installation

Don’t miss our DIY video to see just how easy it is to install carpet tiles your self. If you need us to professionally installed, get a quote.

4. Order a sample - Its easy...

You can then check which tiles suit your home or office PLUS you can see our quality and value and know you are getting the BEST!

Order your carpet tiles samples